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Understanding Weight Loss Clinics

Weight loss clinics in Belle Plaine provide personalized programs to help patients achieve sustainable weight loss safely and effectively. These clinics take a comprehensive approach, addressing lifestyle, nutrition, medication, and long-term weight maintenance.

Types of Weight Loss Clinics

Common types of specialty weight loss clinics include:

  • Medical weight loss clinics: Offer physician-supervised programs that may include prescription medications, meal replacement plans, nutrition education, and lifestyle counseling.
  • Commercial diet centers: Provide pre-packaged meals, weigh-ins, and counseling based on branded diets like Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem.
  • Medi-spas: Combine cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting along with weight loss injections and supplements.

Our Services

Balance Health Clinic's Approach

At Balance Health Clinic in Belle Plaine, we craft unique weight loss protocols tailored to each patient's health profile and needs. Our programs are doctor-developed and evidence-based for optimal safety and results. We go beyond just short-term weight loss – we empower patients with knowledge and tools for lifelong health.

Benefits of Choosing Balance Health Clinic

Choosing Balance Health Clinic provides these key advantages:

  • Personalized care: Our compassionate staff provides one-on-one guidance and support.
  • Latest technology: We offer cutting-edge prescription medications and procedures.
  • Holistic methods: Our programs address nutrition, fitness, hormones, mental health, and habit change.
  • Proven protocols: Our physicians stay current on the latest medical research to inform effective treatment plans.
  • Lasting change: We equip patients with strategies for keeping weight off long-term.

Understanding Obesity and Its Health Risks

Obesity is a complex disease involving genetic, hormonal, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Carrying excessive body fat puts individuals at higher risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, osteoarthritis, and fatty liver disease. Obesity screening and prevention are crucial at any age to reduce morbidity, mortality, and improve overall wellness.

Common Reasons for Weight Gain

There are many reasons why people gain and struggle to lose weight. Understanding root causes is key to creating an effective treatment plan.

Common medical causes include:

  • Hypothyroidism: Underactive thyroid slows metabolism.
  • Insulin resistance: Makes weight loss very difficult.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Hormonal imbalance that promotes weight gain.
  • Cushing's syndrome: Excess cortisol production causes fat accumulation in the torso.
  • Medications: Steroids, antipsychotics, antidepressants, etc.

Other factors that influence weight:

  • Genetics and family history
  • Lack of physical activity
  • High calorie intake
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Stress and emotional health
  • Slowing metabolism from aging

Achieve lasting weight loss with Balance Health Clinic's personalized care.

Balance Health Clinic' Medical Weight Loss Program

The Balance Health Clinic weight loss program is doctor-supervised and combines holistic lifestyle changes with prescription medications or procedures when appropriate. We partner with each patient to create fully customized treatment plans.

Key Components of Our Program

Our proven medical weight loss system incorporates multiple evidence-based components:

  • Nutritional optimization: We provide meal planning guidance based on lab testing and metabolic status.
  • Exercise programming: Our fitness experts tailor exercise plans to each patient's abilities and health needs.
  • Behavior modification: We help patients implement mindset, habit, and mindfulness strategies for long-term success.
  • Advanced medications: We offer both oral and injectable prescription weight loss medications.
  • Hormone balancing: Optimizing hormones is key for metabolic health and controlling hunger/cravings.
  • Cutting-edge procedures: Eligible patients can opt for laser fat reduction, bariatric devices, etc.

Why Our Program is Highly Effective

What makes the Balance Health Clinic weight loss system so successful?

  • Personalized to each patient based on in-depth medical and lab testing
  • Led by specialized bariatric physicians and registered dietitians
  • Addresses the underlying causes of stubborn weight
  • Teaches patients how to make sustainable lifestyle changes
  • Provides accountability and ongoing support
  • Uses the latest medical advancements for safe, consistent results

We are committed to delivering the strongest outcomes - both in terms of numbers on the scale and positive impacts to patients' health and quality of life.

Diagnosing Weight Loss Hormone Imbalances

Hormonal issues like hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and growth hormone deficiency can severely hinder weight loss progress. Comprehensive lab testing helps identify any imbalances.

Common Hormonal Imbalances Tied to Obesity

  • Insulin resistance: Cells become less responsive to insulin, resulting in high blood sugar levels. This makes weight loss very difficult.
  • Leptin resistance: Leptin is the "satiety hormone" that tells the brain when the body is full. Resistance triggers increased hunger and slower metabolism.
  • Thyroid disorders: Both overactive (hyperthyroidism) and underactive (hypothyroidism) thyroids can lead to weight changes.
  • Estrogen dominance: Excess estrogen in women enhances fat storage, fluid retention, and weight gain.
  • Low testosterone in men: Testosterone helps burn visceral belly fat; deficiency promotes weight gain.
  • Growth hormone deficiency: Low GH reduces calorie burn and accumulates belly fat.

Diagnostic Tests We Run

Balance Health Clinic thoroughly tests each weight loss patient for underlying issues. We screen for:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
  • Metabolic hormones such as insulin, leptin, cortisol, and growth hormone
  • Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
  • Inflammatory markers

Understanding patients' baseline hormone levels allows us to develop targeted, effective treatment plans.

Medical Treatments Offered

Balance Health Clinic utilizes a multi-therapy approach to weight loss, including lifestyle changes combined with medications or procedures when appropriate. Our expert physicians determine the safest, most effective options based on each patient's health profile.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Recommendations

Sustainable lifestyle habits are key for long-term weight maintenance. We provide patients with individualized guidance on:

  • Healthy eating plans: To balance blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and control hunger.
  • Fitness programming: Realistic exercise goals tailored to patients' needs and limitations.
  • Stress management: To lower cortisol since chronic stress promotes fat storage.
  • Sleep optimization: Quality sleep is vital for appetite regulation and preventing fatigue/cravings.
  • Accountability tracking: Using apps, wearables, journals, and regular weigh-ins.

We also offer group wellness classes covering meal planning, mindful movement, mindfulness, and more. Patients find the shared experience both educational and motivational.

Prescription Medications

When appropriate, we prescribe FDA-approved weight loss medications that work by:

  • Suppressing appetite
  • Slowing digestion
  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Blocking fat absorption

We carefully monitor patients for safety and efficacy, making dosage adjustments as needed.

Current medication options we prescribe include:

Medication How it Works Considerations
Phentermine Appetite suppressant For short-term use
Qsymia Phentermine topiramate (anti-seizure/migraine drug) Risk of birth defects
Contrave Naltrexone bupropion (antidepressant) May improve mood
Saxenda Liraglutide (injectable diabetes drug) Higher efficacy but more costly

Medical Procedures and Devices

For eligible patients, we may recommend minimally invasive devices or procedures for enhanced results. These are typically prescribed after initial weight loss milestones are met.

Advancements we offer include:

  • Gastric balloons: Temporary devices placed in the stomach to induce early satiety.
  • Aspiration therapy: Uses a tube to "aspirate" or drain a portion of stomach contents after eating. Shown to result in >10% total weight loss.
  • VBloc therapy: Blocks vagus nerve signals to the stomach; limits expansion when eating. Requires specialized training to implant.
  • Gastric plication: Uses surgical stitches to reduce stomach volume. Less risky alternative to gastric bypass.

We are proud to offer the widest range of obesity treatment options in the region.

Achieve sustainable weight loss at Balance Health Clinic today.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Options

In addition to the above treatments, we may prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to offset deficiencies that hinder weight loss. HRT helps patients:

  • Regain energy and vitality
  • Reduce stubborn fat deposits
  • Achieve euthyroid status
  • Control appetite and cravings
  • Enhance muscle development

Balance Health Clinic offers a variety of HRT medications and delivery methods:

Hormone Available Formulations
Testosterone Creams, injections, pellets
Thyroid (T3 & T4) Oral tablets, compounded capsules
Peptides (GH, etc.) Subcutaneous injections
Cortisol Oral tablets, topical creams

We also provide detailed lifestyle optimization guidance alongside HRT to help patients achieve their best selves.

Why Choose Balance Health Clinic?

When it comes to expert-guided weight loss tailored to your unique needs, Balance Health Clinic offers unparalleled quality, experience, and results.

Advantages of Our Weight Loss Clinic

What makes Balance Health Clinic the premier weight loss provider in your area?

  • All programs overseen by specialized bariatric physicians
  • Decades of proven success helping patients achieve sustainable results
  • Integrative approach addresses nutrition, fitness, lab testing, medications, mental health, and habit change
  • Personalized one-on-one guidance from compassionate, knowledgeable staff
  • Ongoing accountability and support for the long run
  • Access to the newest prescription medications and medical devices
  • Comfortable state-of-the-art facility conducive to healing
  • Seamless insurance billing and flexible financing options

Let our experienced weight loss professionals help you transform your health and life for the better.


At Balance Health Clinic, we understand that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a complex journey, and we are committed to providing our patients with the comprehensive support and resources they need to succeed. Our personalized, evidence-based approach combines medical expertise, cutting-edge treatments, and holistic lifestyle guidance to address the underlying causes of weight gain and promote long-term weight management. By choosing Balance Health Clinic, you'll be taking the first step towards a healthier, happier life.

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